Reading The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna came across few lines of great potential. Some times just a line or few lines if they penetrate the heart brings about a great change in the way one lives and think.
One line from Sadguru Sai Baba, that has penetrated deeply in the writers heart is
"When you hurt anybody know that you are hurting Me !"
or the same thing retold in other words
"He who carps and cavils at others, pierces Me in the heart and injures Me, but he that suffers and endures, pleases Me most."
This words have penetrated so beautifully by the divine love and grace of Sai Baba, that it is not even possible to think about injuring anybody or complaining even in the thoughts. i feel i would injure Baba's heart by doing so. Even when treated with harshness by somebody, and thrown in deep pain, the complain or thought of injuring the one that has injured does not come, or stops immediately as it is about to enter.
Now Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsha's words and how Sai Baba showed the same with action and not as a teaching. Rather it was a teaching with action that none present at that moment could forget.
Sri RamaKrishna : " It is enough to believe that all is possible in God's creation. Never allow the thought to cross your mind that your ideas are the only true ones, and that of those of others are false. Then God will explain everything.
Getting free from our ideas is very essential. Mostly with the matter with God, Sadgurus and devotion. If our ideas are more important it hampers our spiritual progress. Once we are free from the importance of our own ideas the God and Sadguru explains us or let us know everything. Realated post on our desires.
Sai Baba's ways of teaching are unique and with many aspects. The mediums of teaching were not limited. Sai Baba taught the same in action. In Chapter 24 of Shri Sai SatCharitra, an incident is given
"To quote an instance, the same Mavsibai was on another occasion, kneading Sai Baba's abdomen. Seeing the fury and force used by her, all the other devotees felt nervous and anxious. They said, "Oh mother, be more considerate and moderate, otherwise you will break Sai Baba's arteries and nerves". At this Sai Baba got up at once from His seat, dashed His satka on the ground. He got enraged and His eyes became red like a live charcoal. None dared to stand before or face Sai Baba. Then He took hold of one end of the Satka with both hands and pressed it in the hollow of his abdomen. The other end He fixed to the post and began to press His abdomen against it. The satka which was about two or three feet in length seemed all to go into the abdomen and the people feared that the abdomen would be ruptured in a short time. The post was fixed and immovable and Sai Baba began to go closer and closer to it and clasped the post firmly. Every moment the rupture was expected, and they were all dismayed, did not know what to do, and stood dumb with wonder and fear. Sai Baba suffered this ordeal for the sake of His Bhakta."
Thank you, Alpesh; very nice.
Today's quote from "Sai Inspires" goes:
Those aspiring for success in the spiritual field must decide to control anger, to subdue the vagaries of the mind with its changing resolution to do and not to do things. They must put down their mental agitations and worries and see that they do not create worry in others also. They must convince themselves that in everyone, there is "Shivam", recognizable as the breath. They must develop Universal Love (Vishwa Prema) and demonstrate it in their words and deeds. May you all win Sathyam, Shaanthi, Sukham (Truth, Peace, Joy) through this means. May you all merge in the source of all Aanandam (Divine Bliss).—Divine Discourse, Nov 23 1966
jai sai baba
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